Sunday 27 February 2011

Tough as old boots!

A worthwhile Sunday of inking, about midday I started this piece with the intention of going a few hours then leaving it and go back to it throughout the day, the only problem was as the day went on the skin started to dry out and toughen up, to the point that the needles could barely pierce it. you can see the difference in the two swallows, the right one was coloured a few hours before the left one and by the time I got to the scroll it was almost impossible. Over all a good attempt, first real attempt at blending colours and mixing inks, pretty chuffed with the result, I'll know next time to wrap it up and fridge it between sessions.

Thursday 24 February 2011

First actual tattoo!

This I suppose I can say is my first actual tattoo, first time I've used a carbon transfer and with the exception of the spider its the first time I've took a full design from the beginning to the end. Pretty please with the overall result, was quite nervous when I started but soon got in the flow, some shaky parts here and there that I had to go back and touch up once it was complete.

Adding some colour.

After setting everything up I unwrapped the pig skin and realised it was off, it didn't smell too good. but I had no other skin defrosted and was already to go.  So I cracked on and started to colour the design. Overall I was pretty pleased with it, especially the colouring around the eye, as you can see in the middle picture I experimented with some striping of 2 colours. However It didn't end well, the stench was starting to turn my stomach, and Billy had arrived and was willing to let me practice on him (see next post), so I called it a day with the swine, quickly took some photos and promptly binned the skin.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Supplies have arrived!

Supplies have arrived from Powerline Tattoo supplies should be able to step up a gear with some proper prep and cleaning stuff.

Friday 18 February 2011

1st attempt on pigskin!

This proved to be the biggest learning curve yet. Friday night, I opened my first pig skin and rolled it onto a chopping board.  At first I thought I was biting off more than I could chew, but what the hell its not human and its all good practice, I freehand drew the design on first, then I did the outline followed by the black fill areas, I left the skin on the chopping board wrapped in cling film to colour it in my next session. over all pretty pleased with the results, some shaky areas but good for a first attempt and anything of reasonable size.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Unfortunately a pig was harmed in the making of this post!

Received the pig skin today all nicely vacuum packed to freeze so I can defrost as I need them!

Tuesday 15 February 2011


A simple Line Design Ken has been admiring, I don't think this is beyond me, will hopefully be one of my early full pieces........after I practice it on pig skin. I'll keep you posted!

Monday 14 February 2011


The rose design I plan to try on my first pig skin!

Sunday 13 February 2011

Second attempt

My friend, Mr Morrisman has had his sleeve done for some time now, and has been meaning to get some tidying up done for some time now, so he kindly, in the name of practice, let me fill in some of the faint areas where it had originally scabbed.

Like my last guinea pig, ken has a fair amount of ink, the perfect practice subject as they know how it should feel, they can tell me there and then if I'm not deep enough, for fear of going too deep I have a habit of tickling the surface.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Hitting the skin.

I said I was going to wait until I attacked someoen's skin, but luckily I have some pretty brave/stupid* mates so I  made my first offical tattoo today:

*Delete as appropriate

Monday 7 February 2011

The Ultimate practice pad!

The next step.... To practice on some real flesh, pig skin, after a 2 minute discussion with a family friend, who happens to be a butcher, I should have my practice skin by the end of the week, and an unlimited supply there after..... watch this space.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Getting fruity

Not many non-tattoo people know this, but a common and cheap practice canvas for tattooing is a grapefruit or an orange. The skin has a similar feel and texture to human skin. After a quick trip to the supermarket, here's my first attempt: